On Nov 3, 2009, at 7:59 AM, Chantal Ackermann wrote:

Hi Grant,

I'd be glad to help update the wiki.
But just to make sure I'm understanding correctly:
for TermVectorComponent to work correctly, all these three attributes (termVectors, termPositions, termOffsets) must be set to "true"?

No, you only need termVectors=true to get back results. You need offsets and positions stored to get them back when requested.

No matter how extensive the termVector request will look like?

Because I tried this request also and it doesn't return the termVector part, neither: .../solr/epg/select?q=* %3A *&version=2.2&start=0&rows=0&indent=on&tv=true&tv.tf=true&tv.df=true

I notice in your request, you were asking for rows=0. TVC works off the rows returned by the search.

(I tried removing and adding the last two parameters, as well.)

Is there anything else I have to be aware of? How about

Is there a combination that does not work?

Once I get it to work, I'll update the wiki. But I don't want to publish my ignorance. ;-)


Grant Ingersoll schrieb:
On Nov 3, 2009, at 6:37 AM, Chantal Ackermann wrote:
Hi all!

Are these attributes required to make TermVectorComponent requests
termPositions="true" termOffsets="true"

I have quite a lot of fields with termVectors="true" (for
facetting), but I don't get any results when requesting:
&indent =on&tv=true&tv.tf=true&tv.df=true&tv.positions&tv.offsets=true
Indeed, you must have stored positions and offsets for the TVC to
return positions and offsets.
(I don't have a special RequestHandler configured for it. Using

Would it be possible to add the use case "TermVectorComponent" to
that Wiki page?
Yep, please do.  Anyone can edit the wiki, you just need an account.

(And also add that info to the TermVectorComponent wiki page.)


Grant Ingersoll

Search the Lucene ecosystem (Lucene/Solr/Nutch/Mahout/Tika/Droids) using Solr/Lucene:

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