So I think the question is really:
"If I stop the servlet container, does Solr issue a commit in the shutdown hook 
in order to ensure all buffered docs are persisted to disk before the JVM 

I don't have the Solr source handy, but if I did, I'd look for "Shutdown", 
"Hook" and "finalize" in the code.

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----- Original Message ----
> From: Chris Hostetter <>
> To:
> Sent: Fri, November 13, 2009 4:09:00 PM
> Subject: Re: Stop solr without losing documents
> : which documents have been updated before a successful commit.  Now
> : stopping solr is as easy as kill -9.
> please don't kill -9 ... it's grossly overkill, and doesn't give your 
> servlet container a fair chance to cleanthings up.  A lot of work has been 
> done to make Lucene indexes robust to hard terminations of the JVM (or 
> physical machine) but there's no reason to go out of your way to try and 
> stab it in the heart when you could just shut it down cleanly.
> that's not to say your appraoch isn't a good one -- if you only have one 
> client sending updates/commits then having it keep track of what was 
> indexed prior to the lasts successful commit is a viable way to dela with 
> what happens if solr stops responding (either because you shut it down, or 
> because it crashed for some other reason).
> Alternately, you could take advantage of the "enabled" feature from your 
> client (just have it test the enabled url ever N updates or so) and when 
> it sees that you have disabled the port it can send one last commit and 
> then stop sending updates until it sees the enabled URL work againg -- as 
> soon as you see the updates stop, you can safely shutdown hte port.
> -Hoss

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