: I'm working on an application that will build indexes directly using the : Lucene API, but will expose them to clients using Solr. I'm seeing
I would suggest that you use SOlr in "embedded" mode to build your indexes -- that way you can insure schema compatibility of the index generated with the indexed search (and the embeded Solr code will take care of the indexed value incoding for you) : Where can I find details about the Lucene-level field operations that : can be used to generate date fields that Solr will work with? In : particular date resolution settings are unclear. Date's are all indexed with milisecond precision unless you explicitly round them in clinet code (in which case they are still indexed with milisecond precision, but you can only search on them at the precision you rounded to) If you want to know exactly how Solr encodes a date value at index time, you have to look at the various methods of the FieldType in question (Solr actauly has three Date based field times -- two of which are legacy types included only for back compatibility) : On a similar note: how much of schema.xml is relevant in cases where : Solr is not performing insertions? Obviously defaultSearchField is as : well as the solrQueryParser defaultOperator attribute, but it seems like : most of the field declarations might not matter. if a field isn't listed, Solr won't let you query for it or sort on it and it won't know what typing to apply when returning stored values. if the field typing information isn't correct, then solr may not be able to properly search on a field (because the value may not be encoded ina way solr udnerstands) -- this particularly includes the query analyzer settings for text fields are important for solr to know what type of analysis to apply to the query string in order to search in a given text (ie: should it lowercase? was stemming applied at index time? were stop words removed?, etc...) this is why things like embedded solr are recommended for people who have a specific need to index w/o using a solr server ... it is possible to use Solr to search an index that wasn't built using SOlr, but it requires you to be very careful about making sure the schema.xml you provide solr exactly matches what the index building code was doing. -Hoss