
In my db I currently have fields that represent bitmasks.   Thus, for example, 
a value of the mask of 48 might represent an "undergraduate" (value = 16) and 
"graduate" (value = 32).   Currently,  the corresponding field in solr is a 
multi-valued string field called "EdLevel" which will have 
<value>Undergraduate</value> and <value>Graduate</value>  as its two values 
(for this example).   I do the conversion from the int into the list of values 
as I do the indexing.

Ideally, I'd like solr to have bitwise operations so that I could store the int 
value, and then simply search by using bit operations.  However, given that 
this is not possible,  and that there have been recent threads speaking to 
performance issues with multi-valued fields,  is there something better I could 


- Bill

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