Would http://wiki.apache.org/solr/FunctionQuery#fieldvalue help?

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----- Original Message ----
> From: William Pierce <evalsi...@hotmail.com>
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Sent: Fri, December 4, 2009 2:43:25 PM
> Subject: Best way to handle bitfields in solr...
> Folks:
> In my db I currently have fields that represent bitmasks.   Thus, for 
> example, a 
> value of the mask of 48 might represent an "undergraduate" (value = 16) and 
> "graduate" (value = 32).   Currently,  the corresponding field in solr is a 
> multi-valued string field called "EdLevel" which will have 
> Undergraduate and Graduate  as its two values (for 
> this example).   I do the conversion from the int into the list of values as 
> I 
> do the indexing.
> Ideally, I'd like solr to have bitwise operations so that I could store the 
> int 
> value, and then simply search by using bit operations.  However, given that 
> this 
> is not possible,  and that there have been recent threads speaking to 
> performance issues with multi-valued fields,  is there something better I 
> could 
> do?
> TIA,
> - Bill

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