Hello everybody

1. Have tons of digitalized text with the logical errors in OCR process
2. Have indexed with Solr and is working OK.
3. Have added spellchecker index-based for words and phrases with the
hope to offer suggestions with "suspicious" possible new query
expressions, or related query expressions to the actual one with the
intention to find documents that have the original expression but
contains OCR errors (the user originally have search for "state and
democracy" and the interface will offer "stete and demcraci" as an
alternate query expression)

My first problem appears because I need suggestions inclusive when the
expression has returned results. It's seems that only appear
suggestions when there are no results. Is there a way to do so?

The second question is: For the purposes that I've mentioned, is the
best way to use spellchecker or mlt component? Or some other (as a
fuzzy query)?

Thanks a lot

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