: > 1) adding something like:  q=cat_id:xxx&fq=geo_id=yyyy would boost
: > performance?
: For the n > 1 query, yes, adding filters should improve performance 
: assuming it is selective enough.  The tradeoff is memory.

You might even find that something like this is faster...


...but it can vary based on circumstances (depends a lot on how many 
unique xxxx and yyyy values you have, and how big each of those sets are, 
and how big you make your filterCache)

: > 2) we do find problems when we ask for a page=large offset!  ie: 
: > q=cat_id:xxx and geo_id:yyy&start=544545
: > (note that we limit docs to 50 max per resultset).
: > When start is 500 or more, Qtime is >=5 seconds.... while the avg qtime is
: > <100 ms

FWIW: limiting the number of rows per request to 50, but not limiting the 
start doesn't make much sense -- the same amount of work is needed to 
handle start=0&rows=5050 and start=5000&rows=50.

There are very few use cases for allowing people to iterate through all 
the rows that also require sorting.


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