: working well. The only caveat to this is that the reverse sort results
: don't include 0-count facets (see notes in SOLR-1672), so reverse sort 
: believe patching to include 0 counts could open a can of worms in terms 
: of b/w compat and performance, as 0 counts look to be skipped (by 
: default). I could be wrong, and you may know better how changes to 

Hmmm... that behavior should all be driven by facet.mincount.  i haven't 
look at that code in a long time, so an optimization may have been added 
to not bother trying to "sort" all of the 0s ... but the default for 
facet.mincount is 0 (ie: show everything)

: Would you like me to go ahead and amend the patch (w/o 0-counts) to define a 
new 'sort' parameter? 
: For naming, I would propose an extension of FacetParams.FACET_SORT_COUNT ala:
: public static final String FACET_SORT_COUNT_REVERSE = "count.reverse";

now i'm totally confused: what are you suggesting this new param would 
do, what does the name mean?

my original point was that we probably don't need any new params at all: 
just change facet.sort to accept "count desc" and "count asc" in addition 
to "count" (which would become an alias for "count desc").


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