> I am using Solr 1.3.
> I have an index with a field called "name". It is of type
> "text"
> (unmodified, stock text field from solr).
> My query
> field:foo-bar
> is parsed as a phrase query
> field:"foo bar"
> I was rather expecting it to be parsed as
> field:(foo bar)
> or
> field:foo field:bar
> Is there an expectation mismatch? Can I make it work as I
> expect it to?

If the query analyzer produces two or more tokens from a single token, 
QueryParser constructs PhraseQuery. Therefore it is expected. 

Without writing custom code it seems impossible to alter this behavior.

Modifying QueryParser to change this behavior will be troublesome. 
I think easiest way is to replace '-' with whitespace before analysis phase. 
Probably in client side. Or in an custom RequestHandler.

May be you can set qp.setPhraseSlop(Integer.MAX_VALUE); so that 
field:foo-bar and field:(foo AND bar) will be virtually equal.

hope this helps.


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