Thanks Erik for responding.
Hoss explained the behavior with nice corollaries here -


On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:21 AM, Erik Hatcher <>wrote:

> On Jan 11, 2010, at 1:33 PM, Avlesh Singh wrote:
>>> It is in the source code of QueryParser's getFieldQuery(String field,
>>> String queryText)  method line#660. If numTokens > 1 it returns Phrase
>>> Query.
>>>  That's exactly the question. Would be nice to hear from someone as to
>> why is
>> it that way?
> Suppose you indexed "Foo Bar".  It'd get indexed as two tokens [foo]
> followed by [bar].  Then someone searches for foo-bar, which would get
> analyzed into two tokens also.  A PhraseQuery is the most logical thing for
> it to turn into, no?
> What's the alternative?
> Of course it's tricky business though, impossible to do the right thing for
> all cases within SolrQueryParser.  Thankfully it is pleasantly subclassable
> and overridable for this method.
>        Erik

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