
with highlight can also be displayed in the web gui. I've added <bool
name="hl">true</bool> into the standard responseHandler and it already
works, i.e without velocity. But the same line doesn't take effect in
itas. Should i configure anything else? Thanks in advance.
First of all, just a few notes on the /itas request handler in your solrconfig.xml:

1. The entry

<arr name="components">

is obsolete, since the highlighting component is a default search component [1].

2. Note that since you didn't specify a value for hl.fl highlighting will only affect the fields listed inside of qf.

3. Why did you override the default value of hl.fragmenter? In most cases the default fragmenting algorithm (gap) works fine - and maybe in yours as well?

To make sure all your hl related settings are correct, can you post an xml output (change the wt parameter to xml) for a search with highlighted results.

And finally, can you post the vtl code snippet that should produce the highlighted output.


[1] http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SearchComponent

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