Isn't the conclusion here that some "stopword and stemming free matching" should be the best match if ever and to then gently degrade to weaker forms of matching?


Le 13-janv.-10 à 07:08, Walter Underwood a écrit :

There is a band named "The The". And a producer named "Don Was". For a list of all-stopword movie titles at Netflix, see this post:

My favorite is "To Be and To Have (Être et Avoir)", which is all stopwords in two languages. And a very good movie.


On Jan 12, 2010, at 6:55 PM, Robert Muir wrote:

sorry, i forgot to include this 2009 paper comparing what stopwords do
across 3 languages:,43,4,20091218142456-GY/Dolamic_Ljiljana_-_When_Stopword_Lists_Make_the_Difference_20091218.pdf

in my opinion, if stopwords annoy your users for very special cases
like 'the the' then, instead consider using commongrams +
defaultsimilarity.discountOverlaps = true so that you still get the

as you can see from the above paper, they can be extremely important
depending on the language, they just don't matter so much for English.

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 9:20 PM, Lance Norskog <> wrote:
There are a lot of projects that don't use stopwords any more. You
might consider dropping them altogether.

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Don Werve <> wrote:
This is the way I've implemented multilingual search as well.

2010/1/11 Markus Jelsma <>


We have implemented language specific search in Solr using language specific fields and field types. For instance, an en_text field type can use an English stemmer, and list of stopwords and synonyms. We, however did not use specific stopwords, instead we used one list shared by both

So you would have a field type like:
<fieldType name="en_text" class="solr.TextField" ...
<analyzer type="">
<filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" words="stopwords.en.txt">
<filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="synoyms.en.txt">

etc etc.


Markus Jelsma          Buyways B.V.
Technisch Architect    Friesestraatweg 215c  9743 AD Groningen

Alg. 050-853 6600      KvK  01074105
Tel. 050-853 6620      Fax. 050-3118124
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On Mon, 2010-01-11 at 13:45 +0100, Daniel Persson wrote:

Hi Solr users.

I'm trying to set up a site with Solr search integrated. And I use the SolJava API to feed the index with search documents. At the moment I have only activated search on the English portion of the site. I'm interested in using as many features of solr as possible. Synonyms, Stopwords and stems all sounds quite interesting and useful but how do
I set up this in a good way for a multilingual site?

The site don't have a huge text mass so performance issues don't
really bother me but still I'd like to hear your suggestions before I
try to implement an solution.

Best regards


Lance Norskog

Robert Muir

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