Otis Gospodnetic <otis_gospodne...@yahoo.com> wrote on 01/14/2010 10:07:15

> See those "waitFlush=true,waitSearcher=true" ?  Do things improve if
> you make them false? (not sure how with autocommit without looking
> at the config and not sure if this makes a difference when
> autocommit triggers commits)

Looking at DirectUpdateHandler2, it appears that those values are hardwired
to true for autocommit.  Unless there's another mechanism for changing

> Re deleted docs, they are probably getting expunged, it's just that
> you always have more deleted docs, so those 2 numbers will never be
> the same without optimize.

I can accept that they will always be different, but that's a large
Hmm, a couple weeks ago, I manually deleted a bunch of docs that had
data get corrupted.  Normally, I'd only be deleting a day's worth of docs
a time.  Is there a time I could expect the old stuff to get cleaned up by
without optimizing?


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