Lance Norskog <> wrote on 01/16/2010 12:43:09 AM:

> If your indexing software does not have the ability to retry after a
> failure, you might with to change the timeout from 20 seconds to, say,
> 5 minutes.

I can make it retry, but I have somewhat real-time processes doing these
updates.  Does anyone
push updates into a temporary file and then have an async process push the
updates so that it
can survive the lockups without worry?  This seems like a real hack, but I
don't want a
long timeout like that in the program that currently pushes the data.

One thing that worries me is that solr may not respond to searches in these
windows.  I'm basing
that on the observation that search does not respond when solr is

Can anyone offer me insight on why these delays happen?


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