: You are right. The wiki can't be read if the preferred language is not 
: The wiki system seems to implement or be configured to use a wrong way of 
choosing its locale.
: Erik, let me know if I can help solving this.


When accessing "http://wiki.apache.org/solr/"; MoinMoin evidently picks a 
"translated" version of the page to show each user based on the 
"Accept-Language" header sent by the browser.  If it's "en" or unset, you 
get the same thing as http://wiki.apache.org/solr/FrontPage -- but if you 
have some other prefered langauge configured in your browser, then you get 
a differnet page, for example "de" causes 
http://wiki.apache.org/solr/StartSeite to be loaded instead.

(this behavior can be forced inspite of the "Accept-Language" header 
sent by the browser if you are logged into the wiki and change the 
"Preferred langauge" setting from "<Browser setting>" to something else 
... but i don't recommend it since i was stuck with German for about 10 
minutes and got 500 errors every time i tried to change my prefrences 

This is presumably designed to make it easy to support a multilanguage 
wiki, with users getting langauge specific "homepages" that can then link 
out to lanaguge specific versions of pages -- but that doesn't really help 
us much since we don't have any meaninful content on those langauge 
specific homepages.

According to this...

...we should be deleting all those unused pages, or have INFRA change or 
wiki config so that something other then FrontPage is out default (which 
now explains why Lunce-Java has "FrontPageEN" as the default)

Any volunteers to help purge the wiki of (effectively) blank translation 
pages? ... it looks like they all (probably) have have comment 
"##master-page:FrontPage" at the top, so they should be easy to identify 
even if you don't speak the language ... but they aren't very easy to 
search for since those comments don't appear in the generated page.


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