Error messages that make sense. I have to read the source far too
often when a simple change to errror-handling would make some feature
easy to use. If I want to read Java I'll use Lucene!

Passive-aggressive error handling is a related problem: when I do
something nonsensical I too often get "0 results found" instead of
"what does that mean?".

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Smiley, David W. <> wrote:
> 1. Spatial search
> 2. Ease of managing a sharded index, multi-server Solr instance.
> I am aware these are in-progress, slated for Solr 1.5.
> I may find myself getting involved on these shortly because I'm working on a 
> very large scale search project requiring both.
> ~ David
> On Feb 24, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Grant Ingersoll wrote:
>> What would it be?

Lance Norskog

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