Grant Ingersoll wrote:
> What would it be?

* Run a MapReduce-likejob on all docs matching the results of a search?

I'm currently working on an app where I hope to be able to do
a query (hopefully using solr) and generate a map where every state
(or county or zip-code or school district or police beat) is colored
based on some attribute derived from some fields in the documents.

Interestingly it seems pleasantly easy to if I'm just basing it
on the count of documents - since I can set up states, etc as facets.
But it'd be neat if instead of just getting the count from the facets,
if I could run more arbitrary math on the documents without having
to suck them into the application.

Another use for this is that I'd like to make a quicker
way of drilling down on my documents than going one facet
at a time by showing the user a 2-dimensional table that
combines 2 facets.   For example, showing a table like this
on the page:

              FORD  GM  Honda  TOYOTA  [....]
MONDAY         17   23   4       2
TUESDAY        11   9    174     5
WEDNESDAY       3   6    9       1

and when the user clicks the "174" it automatically adds
the "Vehicle Make = Toyota" and "Day of week = Tuesday"
facets to the query.

(I'm a solr newbie, so my apologies if this already exists, or
if it's just a bad idea, or if I should just be using another
tool for that (possibly in conjunction with solr), but....)

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