: You could create your own unique ID and pass it in with the
: literal.field=value feature.

By which Lance means you could specify an unique value in a differnet 
field from yoru uniqueKey field, and then query on that field:value pair 
to get the doc after it's been added -- but that query will only work 
until some other version of the doc (with some other value) overwrites it.  
so you'd esentially have to query for the field:value to lookup the 

it seems like it should definitely be feasible for the 
Update RequestHandlers to return the uniqueKeyField values for all the 
added docs (regardless of wether the key was included in the request, or 
added by an UpdateProcessor -- but i'm not sure how that would fit in with 
the SolrJ API.

would you mind opening a feature request in Jira?


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