: To quote from the wiki,
That's all true ... but Bill explicitly said he wanted to use 
SignatureUpdateProcessorFactory to generate a uniqueKey from the content 
field post-extraction so he could dedup documents with the same content 
... his question was how to get that key after adding a doc.

Using a unique literal.field value will work -- but only as the value of 
a secondary field that he can then query on to get the uniqueKeyField 

: > : You could create your own unique ID and pass it in with the
: > : literal.field=value feature.
: >
: > By which Lance means you could specify an unique value in a differnet
: > field from yoru uniqueKey field, and then query on that field:value pair
: > to get the doc after it's been added -- but that query will only work
: > until some other version of the doc (with some other value) overwrites it.
: > so you'd esentially have to query for the field:value to lookup the
: > uniqueKey.
: >
: > it seems like it should definitely be feasible for the
: > Update RequestHandlers to return the uniqueKeyField values for all the
: > added docs (regardless of wether the key was included in the request, or
: > added by an UpdateProcessor -- but i'm not sure how that would fit in with
: > the SolrJ API.
: >
: > would you mind opening a feature request in Jira?
: >
: >
: >
: > -Hoss
: >
: >
: -- 
: Lance Norskog
: goks...@gmail.com


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