Using Solr 1.4.
Was using the standard query handler, but needed the boost by field functionality of qf from dismax.
So we altered the query to boost certain phrases against a given field.
We were using QueryElevationComponent ("elevator" from solrconfig.xml) for one particular entry we wanted at the top, but because we aren't using a pure q value, elevator never finds a match to boost. We didn't realize it at the time because the record we were elevating eventually became the top response anyway. Recently added a _val_:formula to the q value to juice records based on a value in the record. Now we have need to push a few other records to the top, but we've lost the ability to use elevate.xml to do it.

Tried switching to dismax using qf, pf, qs, ps, and bf with a "pure" q value, and debug showed queryBoost with a match and records, but they weren't moved to the top of the result set.

What would really help is if there was something for elevator akin to spellcheck.q like elevation.q so I could pass in the actual user phrase while still performing all the other field score boosts in the q parameter. Alternatively, if anyone can explain why I'm running into problems getting QueryElevationComponent to move the results in a dismax query, I'd be very thankful.

Ryan T. Grange

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