Maybe some things to try:

* make sure your uniqueKey is string field type (ie if using int it will not 
* forceElevation to true (if sorting)

- Jon

On Mar 9, 2010, at 12:34 AM, Ryan Grange wrote:

> Using Solr 1.4.
> Was using the standard query handler, but needed the boost by field 
> functionality of qf from dismax.
> So we altered the query to boost certain phrases against a given field.
> We were using QueryElevationComponent ("elevator" from solrconfig.xml) for 
> one particular entry we wanted at the top, but because we aren't using a pure 
> q value, elevator never finds a match to boost.  We didn't realize it at the 
> time because the record we were elevating eventually became the top response 
> anyway.
> Recently added a _val_:formula to the q value to juice records based on a 
> value in the record.
> Now we have need to push a few other records to the top, but we've lost the 
> ability to use elevate.xml to do it.
> Tried switching to dismax using qf, pf, qs, ps, and bf with a "pure" q value, 
> and debug showed queryBoost with a match and records, but they weren't moved 
> to the top of the result set.
> What would really help is if there was something for elevator akin to 
> spellcheck.q like elevation.q so I could pass in the actual user phrase while 
> still performing all the other field score boosts in the q parameter. 
> Alternatively, if anyone can explain why I'm running into problems getting 
> QueryElevationComponent to move the results in a dismax query, I'd be very 
> thankful.
> -- 
> Ryan T. Grange

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