Having been thinking about your questions again and I think that if you are
expecting that the price value will be changing a lot, especially when
talking about auctions then you should consider not storing the actual price
into the full text index but into some fast datastore. Some kind of scalable
in-memory hash map with journal based backup would do this job better I

Just my 2 cents.


On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 10:36 AM, Lukáš Vlček <lukas.vl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Solr is running on top of Lucene and as far as I know Lucene knows only one
> approach how to update the document field content: that is delete first and
> then (re)index with new values.
> However, saying this it does not mean you can not implement what you need.
> Take a look at ParallelReader API
> http://lucene.apache.org/java/3_0_1/api/all/org/apache/lucene/index/ParallelReader.html
> I am not sure if this functionality is directly exposed via Solr API. Try
> digging mail lists (search-lucene.com or lucidimagination.com can be of
> good help while you can narrow search to Solr only:
> http://search-lucene.com/?q=ParallelReader&fc_project=Solr or
> http://www.lucidimagination.com/search/?q=ParallelReader#/p:solr). For
> example the following mail thread seems to be relevant:
> http://search-lucene.com/m/iT2hMvtDt5 (though it is bit dated)
> Do you really use only one physical index for all auctions? If yes then you
> might consider using ParallelReader but if the index is large then I am not
> sure about the performance. If you are planning to partition your index then
> it can get more complex but faster.
> Regards,
> Lukas
> On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Moritz Mädler <m...@moritz-maedler.de>wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> we are running a marketplace which has about a comparable functionality
>> like ebay (auctions, fixed-price items etc).
>> The items are placed on the market by users who want to sell their goods.
>> Currently we are using Sphinx as an indexing engine, but, as Sphinx
>> returns only document ids we have to make a
>> database-query to fetch the data to display. This massively decreases
>> performance as we have to do two requests to
>> display data.
>> I heard that Solr is able to return a complete dataset and we hope a
>> switch to Solr can boost perfomance.
>> A critical question is left and i was not able to find a solution for it
>> in the docs: Is it possible to update attributes directly in the
>> index?
>> An example for better illustration:
>> We have an index which holds all the auctions (containing auctionid,
>> auction title) with its current prices(field: current_price). When a user
>> places a new bid,
>> is it possible to update the attribute 'current_price' directly in the
>> index so that we can fetch the current_price from Solr and not from the
>> database?
>> I hope you understood my problem. It would be kind if someone can point me
>> to the right direction.
>> Thanks alot!
>> Moritz

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