*Solr 1.4 Enterprise Search Server* recommends doing large updates on a copy
of the core, and then swapping it in for the main core. I tried following
these steps:

   1. Create prep core:
   2. Perform index update, then commit/optimize on prep core.
   3. Swap main and prep core:
   4. Unload prep core:

The problem I am having is, the core created in step 1 doesn't have any data
in it. If I am going to do a full index of everything and the kitchen sink,
that would be fine, but if I just want to update a (large) subset of the
documents - that's obviously not going to work.

(I could merge the cores, but part of what I'm trying to do is get rid of
any deleted documents without trying to make a list of them.)

Is there some flag to the CREATE action that I'm missing? The Solr Wiki page
for CoreAdmin <http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CoreAdmin> is a little sparse on

Is this approach wrong? I found at least one message on this list that
stated that performing updates in a separate core on the same machine won't
help, given that they're both using the same CPU. Is that true?
thanks in advance

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