: *Solr 1.4 Enterprise Search Server* recommends doing large updates on a copy
: of the core, and then swapping it in for the main core. I tried following
: The problem I am having is, the core created in step 1 doesn't have any data
: in it. If I am going to do a full index of everything and the kitchen sink,
: that would be fine, but if I just want to update a (large) subset of the
: documents - that's obviously not going to work.

that's really the point of that recommendation -- it's a way to compleltey 
rebuild without any downtime (the old core keeps serving requests until 
the new one is completely ready)

If you are just updating some of the docs (even if it's a large "some") 
you should just updating hte existing core.

if you really want to "clone" the data in a core, then replication is 
really the only way to do that currently.  Replicating to a "query 
machine" instead of having clients query the "master" you are updating 
directly is usually a good idea for lots of reasons -- but in this case 
you could always temporarily disable replication, make your large batch 
changes to the master, and then renable the replciation so the query boxes 
only see the changes when they are all done.


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