On 2010-03-30 05:34, Andy wrote:
Reading through this thread and SOLR-1316, there seems to be a lot of different 
ways to implement auto-complete in Solr. I've seen the mentions of:

Patricia Tries

Which algorthm does SOLR-1316 implement? TST is one. There are others mentioned 
in the comments on SOLR-1316, such as Patricia Tries, RadixTree, DAWG. Are 
those implemented too?

Among all those methods is there a "recommended" one? What are the pros&  cons?

Only TST is implemented in SOLR-1316. The main advantage of this approach is that it can complete arbitrary strings - e.g. frequent queries. This reduces the chance of suggesting queries that yield no results, which is a danger in other methods.

The disadvantage is the increased RAM consumption, and the need to populate it (either from IndexReader - but then it's nearly equivalent to the TermsComponent; or from a list of frequent queries - but you need to build that list yourself).

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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