On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 11:34 PM, Andy <angelf...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Reading through this thread and SOLR-1316, there seems to be a lot of
> different ways to implement auto-complete in Solr. I've seen the mentions
> of:
> EdgeNGrams
> TermsComponent
> Faceting
> Patricia Tries
> RadixTree

Another idea is you can use the Automaton support in the lucene flexible
indexing branch: to query the index directly with a DFA that represents
whatever terms you want back.
The idea is that there really isn't much gain in building a separate Pat,
Radix Tree, or DFA to do this when you can efficiently intersect a DFA with
the existing terms dictionary.

I don't really understand what autosuggest needs to do, but if you are doing
things like looking for mispellings you can easily build a DFA that
recognizes terms within some short edit distance with the support thats
there (the LevenshteinAutomata class), to quickly get back candidates.

You can intersect/concatenate/union these DFAs with prefix or suffix DFAs if
you want too, don't really understand what the algorithm should do, but I'm
happy to try to help.

Robert Muir

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