> According to the wiki: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler#Commands
> the delta-import command will accept the same clean, commit
> and optimize
> parameters that the full-import command takes but I am my
> index keeps saying
> its not optimized.
> [java] INFO: [items] webapp=/solr path=/dataimport
> params={optimize=true&clean=true&commit=true&command=delta-import}
> status=0
> QTime=1 
> Also can someone explain to me exactly what the clean
> command does? The wiki
> states: "Tells whether to clean up the index before the
> indexing is started"
> but thats kind of vague. What does it actually do?

clean=true deletes entire solr index (delete by query *:*) before import 
operation. By default it is true in full-import, false in delta-import.

&optimize=true by default in delta-import. 
So just solr/dataimport?command=delta-import should do optimize.

you should see something like:
<str name="Optimized">2010-03-30 10:13:14</str>

May be your delta-import is not updating/adding/deleting any documents.


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