
I am using the DIH to import data from a mysql slave. However, the slave sometimes runs behind the master. The delay is variable, most of the time it is in sync, but sometimes can run behind by a few minutes.

This is a problem, because DIH uses dataimport.properties to determine the last_index_time for delta updates. This last_index_time does not correspond to the position of the slave, and so documents are being missed.

What I need to be able to do is tell DIH what the last_index_time should be. Or alternatively, be able to specify another property in dataimport.properties, perhaps called datasource_version or similar.

Is this possible?

I have thought of a sneaky way to hack around the issue. Just before the delta update is run, I will switch the system time to the mysql slave's replication time. The system is used for nothing but solr master, so I think this should work OK. Any thoughts?



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