I don't really understand how this will help. Can you elaborate ?

Do you mean that the last_index_time can be imported from somewhere outside solr? But I need to be able to *set* what last_index_time is stored in dataimport.properties, not get properties from somewhere else

On 18/04/10 10:02, Lance Norskog wrote:
The SolrEntityProcessor allows you to query a Solr instance and use
the results as DIH properties. You would have to create your own
regular query to do the delta-import instead of using the delta-import


On 4/16/10, Otis Gospodnetic<otis_gospodne...@yahoo.com>  wrote:
Hm, why not just go to the MySQL master then?

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----- Original Message ----
From: Michael Tibben<michael.tib...@stomp.com.au>
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Sent: Thu, April 15, 2010 10:15:14 PM
Subject: DIH dataimport.properties with

I am using the DIH to import data from a mysql slave. However, the
slave sometimes runs behind the master. The delay is variable, most of the
it is in sync, but sometimes can run behind by a few minutes.
This is a
problem, because DIH uses dataimport.properties to determine the
for delta updates. This last_index_time does not correspond to the
position of
the slave, and so documents are being missed.
What I need to be able to
do is tell DIH what the last_index_time should be. Or alternatively, be
able to
specify another property in dataimport.properties, perhaps called
datasource_version or similar.
Is this possible?

I have
thought of a sneaky way to hack around the issue. Just before the delta
is run, I will switch the system time to the mysql slave's replication
time. The
system is used for nothing but solr master, so I think this should work
OK. Any


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