On 4/27/10 12:04 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:

: SEVERE: Could not start SOLR. Check solr/home property

it means something when horribly wrong when starting solr, and since this
is frequently caused by either an incorrect explicit solr/home or an
incorrect implicitly guessed solr home, that is mentioned in the error
message as something to check.

it's part of that error message because in cases where the solr home is
the problem, that may be the only meaningful error message.

in your case however, you have a much more specific error message...

:  java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: read past EOF
:    at org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.getSearcher(SolrCore.java:1068)
:    at org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.<init>(SolrCore.java:579)
:    at

...so something seems to be seriously wrong with your index. farther down
below this exception in your logs, there should be a more detailed
execption explaining what file it had problems reading.

If you could post that *full* error message it might help us track this
down ... i would also suggest trying to use the CheckIndex tool to see if
somehow your index got corrupted.

Yes, the index was corrupted. I don't know how it happened. Like I said, I set the box up months ago and forgot about it. They decided they wanted to use it so I tried to fire it up. After deleting the index, solr started again just fine without any configuration changes. Like I said, I have never explicitly set solr/home, in any of my production configs, and it always works.


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