

I am using dismax request handler, I wanted to highlight the search

So added 

<str name="hl">true</str>

I was expecting like if I search for keyword "Akon" resultant docs
wherever the Akon is available is bold.


But I am not seeing them getting bold, could some one tell me the real
path where I should tune

If I pass explicitly the hl=true does not work


I have added the request handler


<requestHandler name="dismax" class="solr.SearchHandler" >
    <lst name="defaults">
     <str name="defType">dismax</str>
     <str name="echoParams">explicit</str>
     <float name="tie">0.01</float>
     <str name="qf">
  name^20.0 coming^5 playing^4 keywords^0.1
  <str name="bf">
        rord(isclassic)^0.5 ord(listeners)^0.3
  <str name="*,score">
  name, coming, playing, keywords, score
     <str name="mm">
        2&lt;-1 5&lt;-2 6&lt;90%
     <int name="ps">100</int>
     <str name="q.alt">*:*</str>
     <!-- example highlighter config, enable per-query with hl=true -->

     <str name="hl">true</str>
    <!--   <str name="hl.simple.pre"><b></str> 
             <str name="hl.simple.post"></b></str> -->
     <!-- for this field, we want no fragmenting, just highlighting -->
     <str name="f.name.hl.fragsize">0</str>
     <!-- instructs Solr to return the field itself if no query terms
are found -->
     <!-- <str name="f.name.hl.alternateField">name</str> -->
     <str name="f.text.hl.fragmenter">regex</str> <!-- defined below -->

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