: Actually, its not as much a Solr problem as a Lucene one, as it turns 
: out, the WeightedSpanTermExtractor is in Lucene and not Solr.
: Why they decided to only highlight queries that are in Lucene I don't 
: know, but what I did to solve this problem was simply to make my queries 
: extends a Lucene query instead of just "Query".

I am not very well informed on highlighting, but as i understand it the 
"Span" based Highlighter is specificly designed to deal with position 
based information that depends on dealing either with SpanQueries or with 
"well known" query types where that information can be "faked".  

However, i believe the more traditional highlighter (using 
QueryTermExtractor) was able to deal with highlighting any query tat 
implemented "extractTerms(Set)" so perhaps something about the way you are 
using the highlighter is triggering the use of WeightedSpanTermExtractor 
instead of QueryTermExtractor?


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