On 28.05.2010, at 21:31, Chris Hostetter wrote:

> : Perhaps you could show the 'nr of items left' as a tooltip of sorts when the
> : user actually drags the slider.
> Years ago, when we were first working on building Solr, a coworker of mind 
> suggested using double bar sliders (ie: pick a range using a min and a 
> max) for all numeric facets and putting "sparklines" above them to give 
> the user a visual indication of the "spread" of documents across the 
> numeric spectrum.
> it wsa a little more complicated then anything we needed -- and seemed 
> like a real pain in hte ass to implement.  i still don't know of anyone 
> doing anything like that, but it's definitley an interesting idea.
> The hard part is really just deciding what "quantum" interval you want 
> to use along the xaxis to decide how to count the docs for the y axis.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparkline
> http://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0001OR

kayak.com uses a double slider to handle the flight departure range:

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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