On 5/31/2010 4:24 PM, gwk wrote:
On 5/31/2010 11:50 AM, gwk wrote:
On 5/31/2010 11:29 AM, Geert-Jan Brits wrote:
May I ask how you implemented getting the facet counts for each interval? Do
you use a facet-query per interval?
And perhaps for inspiration a link to the site you implemented this ..


I love the idea of a sparkline at range-sliders. I think if I have time, I
might add them to the range sliders on our site. I already have all the data since I show the count for a range while the user is dragging by storing the
facet counts for each interval in javascript.


Sorry, seems I pressed send halfway through my mail and forgot about it. The site I implemented my numerical range faceting on is http://www.mysecondhome.co.uk/search.html and I got the facets by making a small patch for Solr (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-1240) which does the same thing for numbers what date faceting does for dates.

The biggest issue with range-faceting is the double counting of edges (which also happens in date faceting, see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-397). My patch deals with that by adding an extra parameter which allows you specify which end of the range query should be exclusive.

A secondary issue is that you can't do filter queries with one end inclusive and one end exclusive (i.e. price:[500 TO 1000}). You can get around this by doing "price:({500 TO 1000} OR 500)". I've looked into the JavaCC code of Lucene to see if I could fix it so you could mix [] and {} but unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with it to get it to work.




I was supposed to work on something else but I just couldn't resist, and just implemented some bar-graphs for the range sliders and I really like it. In my case it was really easy, all the data was already right there in javascript so it's not causing additional server side load. It's also really nice to see the graph updating when a facet is selected/changed.



(Tried attaching an image, but it didn't work, so here it is: http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/7766/faceting.png)

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