Maybe he was looking at the output from top or htop?

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Kuhlmann []
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: Many Tomcat Processes on Server ?!?!?

Am 02.06.2010 16:13, schrieb Paul Libbrecht:
> Is your server Linux?
> In this case this is very normal.. any java application spawns many new
> processes on linux... it's not exactly bound to threads unfortunately.

Uh, no. New threads in Java typically don't spawn new processes on OS level.

I never had more than one tomcat process on any Linux machine. In fact,
if there was more than one because a previous Tomcat hadn't shut down
correctly, the new process wouldn't respond to HTTP requests.

55 Tomcat processes shouldn't be normal, at least not if that's what "ps
aux" responds.

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