If someone has done this it would be helpful for some assistance.  I have a 
master/slave multicore setup where I'm using the solr properties in the solr 
config.  But with the below configuration, the schema is not moving when it has 
been updated.  Replication is working fine and all the parameters seem to be 

<requestHandler name="/replication" class="solr.ReplicationHandler" >

  <lst name="master">

   <str name="enable">${enable.master:false}</str>

   <str name="replicateAfter">commit</str>

   <str name="confFiles">${solr.core.schemaName}</str>


  <lst name="slave">

   <str name="enable">${enable.slave:false}</str>

   <str name="masterUrl">${masterURL}/${solr.core.name}/replication</str>

   <str name="pollInterval">${pollInterval}</str>



I have had  another master/slave setup without the parameter and the schema 
get's replicated to the slave if there is an update.  When I make a change and 
deploy the schema to the master it is not replicating to the slaves as I would 
expect or have seen on my other deployments where the shema name is hardcode.   
If someone has some pointer I would appreciate it.


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