(sorry if this message ends up being sent twice)

We have a use-case where we'd like to fill a field from multiple sources, i.e.

<copyField source="title" dest="text" />
<copyField source="body" dest="text" />
… (other source-fields are copied in to text as well)

and then analyze the resulting text-field in a number of ways, each requiring it's own field.

Is it possible to somehow copy the text-field from above to these new fields - i.e.

<copyField source="text" dest="textanayzemethod2" />
<copyField source="text" dest="textanayzemethod1" />

Is this at all possible, or do we have to duplicate the first set of copyFields for each textanayzemethodN.

if possible: is the order of the statements in schema.xml important here?

Any tips or hints is highly appreciated.


Fredrik Rodland

Fredrik Rødland               Mail:  fred...@rodland.no
                             Cell:  +47 99 21 98 17
Open Ad Exchange              MSN:   m...@rodland.no
Maisen Pedersens vei 1        AIM:   Fredrik Rodland
NO-1363 Høvik, NORWAY         Web:   http://rodland.no

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