There are two ways to interpret your mail: 1) you want to add the content to documents already in the index It is not possible to update some fields in a document. You have to delete and re-index the entire document.
2) you want to read a database record, use a file name, fetch that file and index both database fields and the file content in one document. The DataImportHandler would let you read fields from the database, use fields as file names and load in those files into other fields. This is an advanced use but it might be covered on the DIH page: Look for FileDataSource and FieldReaderDataSource. On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 6:37 PM, Tod <> wrote: > I'm getting metadata from a RDB but the actual content is stored somewhere > else. I'd like to index the content too but I don't want to overlay the > already indexed metadata. I know this can be done but I just can't seem to > dig up the correct docs, can anyone point me in the right direction? > > > Thanks. > -- Lance Norskog