I have already store it in lucene index. But it is in disk and When a
query come, it must seek the disk to get it. I am not familiar with
lucene cache. I just want to fully use my memory that load 10GB of it
in memory and a LRU stragety when cache full. To load more into
memory, I want to compress it "in memory". I don't care much about
disk space so whether or not it's compressed in lucene .

2010/7/14 findbestopensource <findbestopensou...@gmail.com>:
> You have two options
> 1. Store the compressed text as part of stored field in Solr.
> 2. Using external caching.
> http://www.findbestopensource.com/tagged/distributed-caching
>    You could use ehcache / Memcache / Membase.
> The problem with external caching is you need to synchronize the deletions
> and modification. Fetching the stored field from Solr is also faster.
> Regards
> Aditya
> www.findbestopensource.com
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Li Li <fancye...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>     I want to cache full text into memory to improve performance.
>> Full text is only used to highlight in my application(But it's very
>> time consuming, My avg query time is about 250ms, I guess it will cost
>> about 50ms if I just get top 10 full text. Things get worse when get
>> more full text because in disk, it scatters erverywhere for a query.).
>> My full text per machine is about 200GB. The memory available for
>> store full text is about 10GB. So I want to compress it in memory.
>> Suppose compression ratio is 1:5, then I can load 1/4 full text in
>> memory. I need a Cache component for it. Has anyone faced the problem
>> before? I need some advice. Is it possbile using external tools such
>> as MemCached? Thank you.

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