: I think I agree with Justin here, I think the way analysis tool highlights
: 'matches' is extremely misleading, especially considering it completely
: ignores queryparsing.

it really only attempts to identify when there is overlap between 
analaysis at query time and at indexing time so you can easily spot when 
one analyzer or the other "breaks" things so that they no longer line up 
(or when it "fiexes" things so they start to line up)

Even if we eliminated that highlighting as missleading, people would still 
do it in thier minds, it would just be harder -- it doesn't change the 
underlying fact that analysis is only part of the picture.

: it would be better if it put your text in a memoryindex and actually parsed
: the query w/ queryparser, ran it, and used the highlighter to try to show
: any matches.

Thta level of "query explanation" really only works if the user gives us a 
full document (all fields, not just one) and a full query string, and all 
of the possible query params -- because the query parser (either implicit 
because of config, or explicitly specified by the user) might change it's 
behavior based on those other params.

I agree with you: debugging functionality along hte lines of what you are 
describing would be *VASTLY* more useful then what we've got right now, 
and is something i breifly looked into doing before as an extension of the 
existing DebugComponent...


...the problems i encountered trying to do it as a debug component on 
a "real" Solr request seem like they would also be problems for a 
MemoryIndex based "admin tool" approach like what you suggest -- but if 
you've got ideas on working arround them i am 100% interested.

Independent of how we might create a better "QueryPasrser + Analyssis 
Explanation" tool / debug component is hte question of what we can do to 
make it more clear what exactly the analysis.jsp page is doing and what 
people can infer from that page.  As i said, i don't think removing the 
"match" highlighting will actaully reduce confusion, but perhaps there is 
verbage/disclaimers that could be added to make it more clear?


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