"there is some kind of caching of query results
going on that doesnt get flushed on a restart of tomcat."

Yes. Solr by default has http caching on if there is no configuration,
and the example solrconfig.xml has it configured on. You should edit
solrconfig.xml to use the alternative described in the comments.

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 7:55 AM, Justin Lolofie <jta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Wow, I got to work this morning and my query results now include the
> 'ABC12' document. I'm not sure what that means. Either I made a
> mistake in the process I described in the last email (I dont think
> this is the case) or there is some kind of caching of query results
> going on that doesnt get flushed on a restart of tomcat.
> Erik: Yes, I did re-index if that means adding the document again.
> Here are the exact steps I took:
> 1. analysis.jsp "ABC12" does NOT match title "ABC12" (however, ABC or 12 does)
> 2. changed schema.xml WordDelimeterFilterFactory catenate-all
> 3. restarted tomcat
> 4. deleted the document with title "ABC12"
> 5. added the document with title "ABC12"
> 6. query "ABC12" does NOT result in the document with title "ABC12"
> 7. analysis.jsp "ABC12" DOES match that document now
> Is there any way to see, given an ID, how something is indexed internally?
> Lance: I understand the index/query sections of analysis.jsp. However,
> it operates on text that you enter into the form, not on actual index
> data. Since all my documents have a unique ID, I'd like to supply an
> ID and a query, and get back the same index/query sections- using
> whats actually in the index.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Hatcher <erik.hatc...@gmail.com>
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2010 22:43:17 -0400
> Subject: Re: analysis tool vs. reality
> Did you reindex after changing the schema?
> On Aug 3, 2010, at 7:35 PM, Justin Lolofie wrote:
>    Hi Erik, thank you for replying. So, turning on debugQuery shows
>    information about how the query is processed- is there a way to see
>    how things are stored internally in the index?
>    My query is "ABC12". There is a document who's "title" field is
>    "ABC12". However, I can only get it to match if I search for "ABC" or
>    "12". This was also true in the analysis tool up until recently.
>    However, I changed schema.xml and turned on catenate-all in
>    WordDelimterFilterFactory for title fieldtype. Now, in the analysis
>    tool "ABC12" matches "ABC12". However, when doing an actual query, it
>    does not match.
>    Thank you for any help,
>    Justin
>    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>    From: Erik Hatcher <erik.hatc...@gmail.com>
>    To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
>    Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2010 16:50:06 -0400
>    Subject: Re: analysis tool vs. reality
>    The analysis tool is merely that, but during querying there is also a
>    query parser involved.  Adding debugQuery=true to your request will
>    give you the parsed query in the response offering insight into what
>    might be going on.   Could be lots of things, like not querying the
>    fields you think you are to a misunderstanding about some text not
>    being analyzed (like wildcard clauses).
>         Erik
>    On Aug 3, 2010, at 4:43 PM, Justin Lolofie wrote:
>      Hello,
>      I have found the analysis tool in the admin page to be very useful in
>      understanding my schema. I've made changes to my schema so that a
>      particular case I'm looking at matches properly. I restarted solr,
>      deleted the document from the index, and added it again. But still,
>      when I do a query, the document does not get returned in the results.
>      Does anyone have any tips for debugging this sort of issue? What is
>      different between what I see in analysis tool and new documents added
>      to the index?
>      Thanks,
>      Justin

Lance Norskog

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