Hi all,

I'm wondering how to handle following scenario:

There is a pool of data which can be searched by all users via a web
interface. Now some users would like to add own documents, or private fields
to existing documents which shall not be accessable by others.

Concerning private fields
.. I could i.e. prefix user data with an identifier, which would be
automatically be prepended as OR clause in the search. Well, it's a hack
which I don't like and I don't even know if this will work for phrases ...
... I could widen the schema to add user specific fields, I know there is no
performance impact on empty fields, but it still does not feel right to add
fields for each customer. Do I have to rebuild the index each time I add a

Concerning private Documents
... I could add a scope field where a user document holds the user's
identifier(ID) or "public", when it's for public view
... I could use distributed search and add a shard per user ... could work,
but aint the planned use of distributed search I guess

Well, nothing what fits my tummy. This scenario could get even funnier, when
customers demand to have a nindividual schema, is this when I need to look
at couch or mongo?

Maybe Erick Erickson already answered my questions and I should just add
fields as I need them while dropping any db knowledge.
Could someone please guide me.

kindest regards,


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