I just checked out the trunk, and branch 3.x This query is accepted on both, but gives no responses:

x_dt and y_dt are wildcard fields with the tdouble type. "tdouble" explicitly says it is stored and indexed. Your 'longitude' and 'latitude' fields may not be stored?

Also, this is accepted on both branches:

The documentation for sum() does not mention single-argument calls.

(The name Solr 1.5 is dead- the next will probably be 3.1.)

Scott K wrote:
According to the documentation, sorting by function has been a feature
since Solr 1.5. It seems like a major regression if this no longer

The _val_ trick does not seem to work if used with a query term,
although I can try some more things to give 0 value to the query term.

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 22:21, Lance Norskog<goks...@gmail.com>  wrote:
It says that the field "sum(1)" is not indexed. You don't have a field
called 'sum(1)'. I know there has been a lot of changes in query parsing,
and sorting by functions may be on the list. But the _val_ trick is the
older one and, and you noted, still works. The _val_ trick sets the ranking
value to the output of the function, thus indirectly doing what sort= does.


Scott K wrote:
I get the error on all functions.
GET 'http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=*:*&sort=sum(1)+asc'
Error 400 can not sort on unindexed field: sum(1)

I tried another nightly build from today, Sep 7th, with the same
results. I attached the schema.xml

Thanks for the help!

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 18:43, Lance Norskog<goks...@gmail.com>    wrote:

Post your schema.

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Scott K<s...@skister.com>    wrote:

The new spatial filtering (SOLR-1586) works great and is much faster
than fq={!frange. However, I am having problems sorting by distance.
If I try
I get an error:
Error 400 can not sort on unindexed field:

I was able to work around this with
GET 'http://localhost:8983/solr/select/?q=*:* AND _val_:"recip(dist(2,
latitude, longitude, 0,0),1,1,1)"&fl=*,score'

But why isn't sorting by functions working? I get this error with any
function I try to sort on.This is a nightly trunk build from Aug 25th.
I see SOLR-1297 was reopened, but that seems to be for edge cases.

Second question: I am using the LatLonType from the Spatial Filtering
wiki, http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SpatialSearch
Are there any distance sorting functions that use this field, or do I
need to have three indexed fields, store_lat_lon, latitude, and
longitude, if I want both filtering and sorting by distance.

Thanks, Scott

Lance Norskog

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