: stores, just a portion of it.  Currently, I need to get 16 records at
: once, not just the 10 that show.  So I have the rows set to "99" for
: the testing phase, and I can increase it later.  I just wanted to have
: a better way of getting all the results that didn't require hard
: coding a value.  I don't foresee the results ever getting to the
: thousands -- and if grows to become larger then I will do paging on
: the results.

if you don't foresee it getting bigger then the thousands, use rows=999 
and add an assertion that the result count isn't bigger then that.  that 
way if you don't foresee correctly, you won't get back more data then you 
cna handle.

: It seems that Solr doesn't have the feature that I need.  I'll make do

This is intentional...



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