>  He said some other things about a huge petabyte hosted search collection 
> they have used by banks..

In context of your discussion this reference sounds really, really funny... :)


On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 1:17 PM, Grant Ingersoll <gsing...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 2:04 PM, Smiley, David W. wrote:
>> (I don't twitter or blog so I thought I'd send this message here)
>> Today at work (at MITRE outside DC) there was (is) a day of technical 
>> presentations about topics related to information dissemination and 
>> discovery (broad squishy words there, but mostly covered "search") at which 
>> I spoke about the value of faceting, and gave a quick Solr pitch.  There was 
>> an hour vendor panel in which a representative from Autonomy, Microsoft 
>> (i.e. FAST), Google, Vivisimo, and Endeca had the opportunity to espouse the 
>> virtues of their product, and fit in an occasional jab at their competitors 
>> next to them.  In the absence of a suitable representative for Solr (e.g. 
>> Lucid) I pointed out how open-source Solr has "democratized" (i.e. made 
>> free) search and faceting when it used to require paying lots of money.  And 
>> I asked them how their products have reacted to this new reality.  Autonomy 
>> acknowledged they used to make millions on simple engagements in the distant 
>> past but that isn't the case these days.  He said some other things about a 
>> huge petabyte hosted search collection they have used by banks... I forget 
>> what else he said.  I forgot what Google said.  Vivisimo quoted Steve 
>> Ballmer, saying "open source is as free as a free puppy" (not a bad point 
>> IMO).
> Too funny.  Hadn't heard that one before.  Presumably meaning you have to 
> care and feed it, despite the fact that you really do love it and it is cute 
> as hell?  The care and feeding is true of the commercial ones, too, 
> especially in terms of $$$$ for supporting features you never use, but love 
> (as in we love using this tool) is usually not a word I hear associated in 
> those respects too often, but of course that is likely self selecting.
>> Endeca claimed to be happy Solr exists because it raises the awareness of 
>> faceted search, but then claimed it would not scale and they should then 
>> upgrade to Endeca.  (!)  I found that claim ridiculous, of course.
> Having replaced all the above on a number of occasions w/ Solr at both a 
> significant cost savings on licensing, dev time, and hardware, I would agree 
> that claim is quite ridiculous.  Besides, in my experience, the scale claim 
> is silly.  Everyone (customers) says they need scale, but few of them really 
> know what scale is, so it is all relative.   For some, scale is 1M docs, for 
> others it's 1B+ docs;  for others it's 100K queries per day, for others it's 
> 100M per day.  (BTW, I've seen Lucene/Solr do both, just fine.  Not that it 
> is a free lunch, but neither are the other ones despite what they say.)
>> Speaking of performance, on a large scale search project where we're using 
>> Solr in place of a MarkLogic prototype (because ML is so friggin expensive, 
>> for one reason), the search results were so fast (~150ms) vs. the ML's 
>> results of 2-3 seconds, that the UI engineers building the interface on top 
>> of the XML output thought Solr was broken because it was so fast.  The quote 
>> was "It's so fast, it's broken".    In other words, they were used to 2-3 
>> second response times and so if the results came back as fast as what Solr 
>> has been doing, then surely there's a bug.  There's no bug.  :)  Admittedly, 
>> I think it was a bit of an apples and oranges comparison but I love that 
>> quote nonetheless.
> I love it.  I have had the same experience where people think it's broken b/c 
> it's so fast.  Large vendor named above took 24 hours to index 4M records 
> (they weren't even doing anything fancy on the indexing side) and search was 
> slow too.  Solr took about 40 minutes to index all the content and search was 
> blazing.  Same content, faster indexing, better search results, a lot less 
> time.
> At any rate, enough of tooting our own horn.  Thanks for sharing!
> -Grant
> --------------------------
> Grant Ingersoll
> http://www.lucidimagination.com/

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