On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Renee Sun <renee_...@mcafee.com> wrote:
> Hi -
> I posted this problem but no response, I guess I need to post this in the
> Solr-User forum. Hopefully you will help me on this.
> We were running Solr 1.3 for long time, with 130 cores. Just upgrade to Solr
> 1.4, then when we start the Solr, it took about 45 minutes. The catalina.log
> shows Solr is very slowly loading all the cores.

Have you tried 1.4.1 yet?
Could you open a JIRA issue for this and give whatever info you can?
Info like:
  - do you have any warming queries configured?
  - do the cores have documents already, and if so, how many per core?
  - are you using the same schema & solrconfig, or did you upgrade?
  - have you tried finding out what is taking up all the memory (or
all the CPU time)?

http://lucenerevolution.org  Lucene/Solr Conference, Boston Oct 7-8

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