
there are two relative similar solutions for this problem.

I will describe one of them:
 * create a multivalued string field called 'category'
 * you have a category tree. so make sure a document gets not only the
leaf category, but all categories (name or id) until the root
 * now facet over category with '-1' as limit
 * What if you want to display only the categories of one level? (e.g.
if you don't want other level at a time or if they are too much).
   then use index the category field ala <level>_category and use
facet.prefix to filter the category list
 * clicking on a category entry should result in a filter query ala
   the little tricky part is now that your UI or middle tier has to
parse the level e.g. 2 and the append 2+1=3 to the query: facet.prefix=3_
 * if you filter the level then one question remains:
    Q: how can you display the path from the selected category until the
root category?
    A: Either get the category parents via DB (which is easy if you
store the category ids in solr) or
    get the parents from the parameter list which is a bit more
complicated (in this case I think it is best to  store the category
names in solr).

(The second approach is: instead of using facet.prefix you can use
dynamic fields ala category_<level>_s)

Did this explaination is missing sth. or unclear?

Kind Regards,

> Hi,
> there is a solution without the patch. Here it should be explained:
> http://www.lucidimagination.com/blog/2010/08/11/stumped-with-solr-chris-hostetter-of-lucene-pmc-at-lucene-revolution/
> If not, I will do on 9.10.2010 ;-)
> Regards,
> Peter.
>> I've a similar problem with a project I'm working on now.  I am holding out 
>> for either SOLR-64 or SOLR-792 being a bit more mature before I need the 
>> functionality but if not I was thinking I could do multi-level faceting by 
>> indexing the data as a "String" like this:
>> id: 1
>> SHOE: Sneakers|Men|Size 7
>> id: 2
>> SHOE: Sneakers|Men|Size 8
>> id: 3
>> SHOE: Sneakers|Women|Size 6
>> etc
>> and then in the UI, show just up to the first delimiter (you'll have to sum 
>> the counts in the UI too).  Once the user clicks on "Sneakers", you would 
>> then add fq=SHOE:Sneakers|* to the query and then show the values up to the 
>> 2nd delimiter, etc.  
>> Alternatively, if you didn't want to use a wildcard query, you could index 
>> each level separately like this:
>> id: 1
>> SHOE1: Sneakers
>> SHOE2: Sneakers|Men
>> SHOE3: Sneakers|Men|Size 7
>> Then after the user clicks on the 1st level, fq on SHOE1 and show SHOE2, 
>> etc.  This wouldn't work so well if you had more than a few levels in your 
>> hierarchy.
>> I haven't actually tried this and like I said I'm hoping I could just use a 
>> patch (really I hope 3.x gets released GA with the functionality but I won't 
>> hold my breath...)  But I do think this would work in a pinch if need be.
>> James Dyer
>> E-Commerce Systems
>> Ingram Content Group
>> (615) 213-4311
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Nguyen, Vincent (CDC/OD/OADS) (CTR) [mailto:v...@cdc.gov] 
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 8:22 AM
>> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
>> Subject: RE: multi level faceting
>> Just to clarify, the effect I was look for was this.  
>> Sneakers
>>    Men (22)
>>    Women (43)
>> AFTER a user filters by one of those, they would be presented with a NEW
>> facet field such as 
>> Sneakers
>>    Men
>>       Size 7 (10)
>>       Size 8 (11)
>>       Size 9 (23)
>> Vincent Vu Nguyen
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Otis Gospodnetic [mailto:otis_gospodne...@yahoo.com] 
>> Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 11:44 PM
>> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: multi level faceting
>> Hi,
>> I *think* this is not what Vincent was after.  If I read the suggestions
>> correctly, you are saying to use &fq=x&fq=y -- multiple fqs.
>> But I think Vincent is wondering how to end up with something that will
>> let him 
>> create a UI with multi-level facets (with a single request), e.g.
>> Footwear (100)
>>   Sneakers (20)
>>     Men (1)
>>     Women (19)
>>   Dancing shoes (10)
>>     Men (0)
>>     Women (10)
>> ...
>> If this is what Vincent was after, I'd love to hear suggestions myself.
>> :)
>> Otis
>> ----
>> Sematext :: http://sematext.com/ :: Solr - Lucene - Nutch
>> Lucene ecosystem search :: http://search-lucene.com/
>> ----- Original Message ----
>>> From: Jason Brown <jason.br...@sjp.co.uk>
>>> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
>>> Sent: Mon, October 4, 2010 11:34:56 AM
>>> Subject: RE: multi level faceting
>>> Yes, by adding fq back into the main query you will get results
>> increasingly  
>>> filtered each time.
>>> You may run into an issue if you are displaying facet  counts, as the
>> facet 
>>> part of the query will also obey the increasingly filtered  fq, and so
>> not 
>>> display counts for other categories anymore from the chosen facet
>> (depends if 
>>> you need to display counts from a facet once the first value from  the
>> facet has 
>>> been chosen if you get my drift). Local params are a way to deal  with
>> this by 
>>> not subjecting the facet count to the same fq restriction (but
>> allowing the 
>>> search results to obey it).
>>> -----Original  Message-----
>>> From: Nguyen, Vincent (CDC/OD/OADS) (CTR) [mailto:v...@cdc.gov]
>>> Sent: Mon 04/10/2010  16:34
>>> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
>>> Subject:  RE: multi level faceting
>>> Ok.  Thanks for the quick  response.
>>> Vincent Vu Nguyen
>>> Division of Science Quality and  Translation
>>> Office of the Associate Director for Science
>>> Centers for  Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
>>> 404-498-6154
>>> Century Bldg  2400
>>> Atlanta, GA 30329 
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:  Allistair Crossley [mailto:a...@roxxor.co.uk] 
>>> Sent: Monday, October  04, 2010 9:40 AM
>>> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
>>> Subject:  Re: multi level faceting
>>> I think that is just sending 2 fq facet queries  through. In Solr PHP
>> I
>>> would do that with, e.g.
>>> $params['facet'] =  true;
>>> $params['facet.fields'] = array('Size');
>>> $params['fq'] =>  array('sex' => array('Men', 'Women'));
>>> but yes i think you'd have to  send through what the current facet
>> query
>>> is and add it to your next  drill-down
>>> On Oct 4, 2010, at 9:36 AM, Nguyen, Vincent (CDC/OD/OADS)  (CTR)
>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I was wondering  if there's a way to display facet options based on
>>>> previous facet  values.  For example, I've seen many shopping sites
>>> where
>>>> a user  can facet by "Mens" or "Womens" apparel, then be shown
>> "sizes"
>>> to
>>>>  facet by (for Men or Women only - whichever they chose).  
>>>> Is this something that would have to be handled at the  application
>>>> level?
>>>> Vincent Vu  Nguyen
>>> If you  wish to view the St. James's Place email disclaimer, please
>> use the 
>>> link  below
>>> http://www.sjp.co.uk/portal/internet/SJPemaildisclaimer

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