Here's a very recent thread on the matter:

> Thanks Yonik.  I hadn't actually been using "enum" on facets with a
> small number of unique values; the wiki page doesn't give much guidance
> on when each is called for.  Do you have any rule of thumb for how few
> unique values is "few enough" to want to use method=enum?  Does it
> matter if the field is single or multi-valued?
> Can you in general explain a bit more about the facet methods?  The wiki
> leaves me a bit confused. (I will happily turn anything you say into
> additional language on the wiki, if the wiki lets me edit it, including
> any answer to above).
> So first, the wiki suggests: "The default value is fc (except for
> BoolField) since it tends to use less memory and is faster when a field
> has many unique terms in the index. "
> Is this actualy true?  If facet.method is left unspecified,
> facet.method=enum will be used on any BoolField, and facet.method=fc
> will be used on any other type of field?
> Both methods can work on multi-valued fields in 1.4, right?
> Then it's a bit extra confusing becuase while facet.method=enum always
> works the same way, it seems like facet.method=fc chooses different
> algorithms under the hood (depending on single vs multi-valued field,
> possibly also depending on number of unique terms?), which you can't
> actually specify, you just need to let the fc stuff choose on it's own.
> That's not mentioned in the wiki, but I think I've seen it mentioned
> before, and trying to look at the source gives me this impression too.
> Is this correct?
> Thanks for any additional guidance, this stuff continues to confuse me
> despite trying to read what I can on it.
> Jonathan
> Yonik Seeley wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 3:42 PM, Jonathan Rochkind <> 
> >> I believe that should work fine in Solr 1.4.1.  Creating a field with
> >> just first letter of author is definitely the right (possibly only) way
> >> to allow facetting on first letter of author's name.
> >> 
> >> I have very voluminous facets (few facet values, many docs in each
> >> value) like that in my app too, works fine.
> >> 
> >> I get confused over the different facetting methods available in 1.4.1,
> >> and exactly when each is called for. If you see initial problems, you
> >> could try switching the facet.method and see what happens.
> > 
> > Right - for faceting on first letter, you should probably use
> > facet.method=enum since there will only be 26 values (assuming
> > english/western languages).
> > 
> > In the future, I'm hoping we can come up with a smarter way to pick
> > the facet.method if it's not supplied.  The new flex API in 4.0-dev
> > should help out here.
> > 
> > -Yonik
> >

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