On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 9:34 AM, Em <mailformailingli...@yahoo.de> wrote:

> Hi Ken,
> thank you for your quick answer!
> To make sure that there occurs no mistakes at my application's side, I send
> my requests with the form that is available at solr/admin/form.jsp
> I changed almost nothing from the example-configurations within the
> example-package except some auto-commit params.
> All the special-characters within the results were displayed correctly, and
> so far they were also indexed correctly.
> The only problem is querying with special-characters.
> I can confirm that the page is encoded in UTF-8 within my browser.
> Is there a possibility that Tomcat did not use the UTF-8 URIEncoding?
> Maybe I should say that Tomcat is behind an Apache HttpdServer and is
> mounted by a jk_mount.
> Thank you!
I am not familiar with using your type of set up, but a quick Google search
suggested using a second connector on a different port. If you're using
mod_jk, you can try setting "JkOptions +ForwardURICompatUnparsed" to see if
that helps. (
Sorry I couldn't have been more help. :)

- Ken

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