Good call. Alternately, for facet limiting, you may find it simpler, easier (and very very slightly more efficient for Solr) to use either the "raw" or "field" query parsers, that don't do the "pre-tokenization" that the standard query parser does, which is what is making the quotes required.

&fq={!field f=solr_field}My Multi-Word Value
&fq={!raw f=solr_field}Multi-Word Value

(Still URL-escape though, not shown above for clarity).

These ways you also won't have to worry about if one of your values accidentally includes a literal double quote, or something like that. For a non-tokenized String field like we're talking about here, !field and !raw, I think, will be effectively identical.


PeterKerk wrote:
O wow, the quotes did the trick...thanks! :)

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